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For the SatNav, our postcode is SO43 7GA or What3Words for Farm Entrance - ///enlighten.joints.quick
Please note that this postcode may try to take you to the neighbouring property called ‘Fishpond Piece’. Therefore, when approaching the postcoded area, please keep an eye out for the green Minstead Manor Farm signs, posted at the entrance to the farm, 150m before the entrance when approaching from the A31 (north), and 150m if approaching from the south (Emery Down).
Without SatNav:
Those travelling from North or East via M27: At Cadnam (J1) continue West on A31 dual carriageway towards southwest/Bournemouth & more immediately Stoney Cross. Half a mile beyond services, turn left, signposted ‘Emery Down’. Continue along forest road, where there may be forest ponies and cattle crossing (they have right of way, please slow down and give a wide berth). Site entrance is on the left after 1.8 miles, where a large rhododendron hedge finishes. Look out for green ‘Minstead Manor Farm’ sign in layby approx 150m before turning.